首页  »  午夜电影  »  狂飙杀手
主演:安东尼·拉帕格利亚/米密·罗杰斯/马特·克拉文/Monika Schnarre
剧情:A professional assassin, having just "cleaned up" a botched "job," is pressured into another new assignment by his boss. He is beginning to find himself off-balanced and self-questioning about his cho展开
剧情:A professional assassin, having just "cleaned up" a botched "job," is pressured into another new assignment by his boss. He is beginning to find himself off-balanced and self-questioning about his chosen career, when he is thrown into complete turmoil by the unusual nature of this latest "hit." A prominant woman has accumulated a massive amount of bad debt from shady characters and threatened them with police exposure, yet seems resigned to her fate when informed of a contract on her life. In fact, she even seems to look forward to her own demise. Why? As the killer tries to understand and resolve the situation, he begins to feel emotions long suppressed, perhaps, that he didnt even know he possessed. Before he can straighten out this upside-down, backwards, and inverted, crazy situation, his boss turns up the heat. Having his driver around, who is an old friend but unreliable and twitch收起
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