
类型: 恐怖
年份: 2023
地区: 加拿大
导演: Micheal Bafaro
演员: Micheal Bafaro,Kelly Bastard,Karina Frislev
简介:It doesn't move, it doesn't think, it just kills. For one young woman, a chance encounter with this supernatural entity proves devastating. Frankie learns that once you see the mannequin, there may be 展开
简介:It doesn't move, it doesn't think, it just kills. For one young woman, a chance encounter with this supernatural entity proves devastating. Frankie learns that once you see the mannequin, there may be no end in sight, except for your own.
别看别处在线播放高清视频资源由好看影院收集整理,是由Micheal Bafaro导演、Micheal Bafaro,Kelly Bastard,Karina Frislev主演,于2023年上映的加拿大恐怖片。好看影院将后续提供更多最新好看的电影、电视剧、影视资源。
专精特新研究院第二季 更新至第12期

